
The Income Statement—A Summary of the Farm operations

The Income Statement—A Summary of the Farm operations When to Use • For the business owner: to understand the profitability of your business, as well as the nuances of your different product lines and revenue streams (historical) • For potential financiers, entrepreneurs and partners: to project the profitability of a new venture (projections) • For the government: to file your taxes (historical). Key Features • The income statement is a detail of the business activity over a period of time, usually a month, quarter or year. • The income statement details the activities directly related to the operation of your business (selling produce, paying employees), as well as indirect activities (money earned from renting land or interest income). • The income statement shows your total revenue, total expenses and net profit. • The income statement does not track cash flow. The income statement presents a summary of everything you earn through the...

The agribusiness sector

The agribusiness sector Agribusiness is the sector involved in the production, processing and distribution of agricultural goods and services, and it includes all related activities. Defining agribusiness more narrowly ignores the industry sector that has responded to market forces and has moved away from traditional primary production into manufacturing and distribution activities. For example, the broiler chicken industry has responded to consumer demands by providing lean,  tender, disease-free and chemical-free chicken pieces. This industry has moved positively towards meeting consumer demands by controlling the production and manufacturing processes. Producers have little or no direct involvement with the final consumer; however, each producer is focused on the physical and financial demands placed on each subset within their industry. Some operators, for example, the day-old chick producers, would only deal with growers and are therefore only involved in business-to-busine...

Agribusiness: The Paradigm Shift

Agribusiness: The paradigm shift The Agricultural industry in Zimbabwe need to go through substantial changes. The changes press to shift from the traditional static commodity based business of pushing homogenous products to a more of consumer driven market requiring differentiated products, continuous process innovation, and highly specialized product delivery, and customer support systems.
Farm enterprise and its components A farm enterprise is an enterprise like any other enterprise. It is run on management principles like any other enterprise except that it has very important distinguishing features. Thus, conversional management principles are modified to suit the farm enterprise environment. Successful farm enterprise management requires that farming be treated as a business rather than a way of life such as gathering. A farm enterprise is generally a biological enterprise. It relies on natural processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, assimilation it borrows heavily from plant and animal anatomy and physiology, soil science, climatology. A farm enterprise is generated from skills developed from the understanding of these natural processes and elements. It is an enterprise that produces biological products such as crops and crops products, livestock and their products, forest and their products, fish and their products, mushroom, and other products. The pri...

Making Hay for Profit

image source: wikipedia Making Hay for Profit Hay making is one of the areas without many players but very profitable. See how to make hay . Poor quality hay has found its way into the market as many cut grass from roadsides for selling as hay. It is another opportunity agricultural entrepreneurs may need to consider.  Uses of Hay Animal fodder (Feed for horses, cattle, rabbits and other livestock) Used as bedding for chickens and other livestock How profitable One acre will produce 250 bales (18 to 20 kg) of Rhodes grass per harvest. The grass can be harvest up to three times in a good season. Selling prices range from $2 to $5.00. We will work with the minimum selling price for the purpose of this budget which is $2.00. Sales revenue per harvest from 30 acres is $15.000. This is against $6000 cost of revenue making a Gross Profit of $9000 per harvest multiplied by th...

ANOREXIA in Rabbits

AN OREXIA in Rabbits Anorexic rabbit poses a huge diagnostic challenge to the veterinary clinician and an economical threat to a farmer. Anorexia in rabbits may be associated with pain of any sort or stress. A full clinical examination is required to determine the cause. The following treatment protocol can be instigated whilst investigations are underway. The aim of treatment is to provide enough calories to prevent hepatic lipidosis, to rehydrate the gastrointestinal contents, and to provide indigestible fibre to help promote peristalsis. Treatment: ·          Do all you can to prevent Anorexia and gut hypomotility. A source of indigestible fibre in the form of hay is essential. Always ensure good quality hay is available at all times. ·          Keep the rabbit in an environmental temperature of less than 24 o C. ·          Fluid replaceme...

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